Cultural awareness
Cultural differences are often underestimated, also by nationals of neighbouring countries. Even greater differences can be found with people from different continents oder cultural backgrounds. Due to this, collaborating within teams or understanding local customs can have a negative effect on performance and productivity levels of an expatriate in a new country.
Intercultural Training
In unserem interkulturellen Training lernt der Expatriate die kleinen Eigenheiten des Schweizers und der Schweizerin kennen: Vom Abfalltrennverhalten bis zu den Höflichkeitsgesten, vom Anstehen bis zum Verhalten gegenüber Behörden und Offiziellen. Das interkulturelle Training wird dabei stets vom Verständnis für die Kultur des Gastes geleitet.
Intercultural training is aimed at creating a better understanding for Swiss customs in every day life. From how garbage is divided and disposed of through to how to correctly deal with authorities. The training specifically takes in to consideration the background and culture of the expat in order to address the topics which are likely to be most unfamiliar and challenging.
Language training
A successful integration and feeling comfortable in the new surroundings relies greatly on being able to converse with local people in their own language. Together with our partners, we can offer language courses in all four language regions of Switzerland. The training is either in classes or on a one-on-one basis.